Largemouth Bass:

Heavy rain and wind kept boats off the water most days but when we were able to get out there were fish biting all throughout the water column. While most “biters” came in the 15′ to 25′ depth zone, there were fish seen shallow, probably wanting to be in the slightly warmer water. Ned rigs, splitshot rigs and dropshots accounted for the most bites with smaller plastics being the mainstay. The water is off-colored due to the rain so bolder color patterns are appropriate. RoboWorms in Bold Bluegill and Aaron’s Magic have been effective along with C3 Baits Ice Picks and Shimmys in the darker colors. The newer C3 color “Scuppernong” continues to excel during the early pre-spawn period. Main lake points and bluffs are holding good numbers of 1-3 pound Bass with the occasional 3-4 pound “chunk” mixed in. Well presented football jigs are getting bit also. There should be an exceptional Senko bite emerging when the water starts clearing up in the coming weeks.

Striped Bass:

Again, heavy rain and wind kept boats off the water most days and the stained water isn’t helping this bite. Once the water clears we will be targeting the Stripers mainly with the fly-coring/Producer Fly technique. April and May are typically great months to catch these saltwater transplants on the troll.

Castaic Afterbay:

The Bass are slowly moving shallow and this bite will get better on a daily basis. High pressure weather systems are what’s needed to clear up the water and make these fish commit to their pre-spawn activities.

Castaic Lake Conditions:

Water Temp Surface:


Water Temp at 30′:


Water Clarity:

5′ visibility. Stained to muddy

Water Level:

25’ down 

Jim – 661 Fishing